Sunday 12 October 2014

Found a Friend so Special

I'm so lucky to have you as my friend,
I know you'll be with me till the end,
And I know that when I'm down and low,
You're there to pick me up and pull me close.

You've been there through the tough times,
You've been there in the happy times,
And there's not a second spent with you,
That I shall forget,
Because each moment spent with you,
Is a moment I don't regret.

I've been a jerk,
I've been a freak,
And so many more things to get someone to scream,
But you've kept your calm,
And you've kept your cool,
And loved me so so dearly.

I remember feeding you tacos with my hands,
And listening to the saddest songs,
But what's surprising is that,
With you they don't seem so sad after all.

I know its hard to move on in life,
And I realized this when I got out of time,
When you told me you're going away,
And in a moment all these memories flashed again.

I so wish I could tell you,
How much I love you,
But its so hard,
And I'm so sorry if I can't,
But hopefully you know me that well,
To know you're like my magic spell.